Wind Speed |
0 MPH |
Direction |
NE |
Pressure |
29.826 |
Trend |
-.026 |
Trend |
+0.4 /Hr. |
Time of
today's maximum
Temperature |
10:34 AM |
Today's maximum
Temperature |
73.3 |
Year of Record High Temp |
1978 |
Record High Temp that Year |
84 |
Year of Record Low Temp |
1974 |
Record Low Temp that Year |
23 |
Current Temp |
72.5 |
Current Humidity |
100 % |
Heat Index |
76.0 |
Dew Point |
72.5 |
Sunrise |
06:35 AM |
Sunset |
04:49 PM |
Time of today's
minimum Temperature |
08:40 AM |
minimum Temperature |
69.4 |
Today's Peak Wind Gust |
13 MPH |
Time of today's Peak Wind Gust |
11:35 AM |
Rainfall Since Midnight |
0.32 in. |
Wind Chill |
72.5 |