Current Weather conditions near Naval Air Station - Pensacola, Florida

04/26/24 12:40:00 AM

Wind Speed 0 MPH
Wind Direction WNW
Barometric Pressure 30.032
Barometric Trend .000
Tempature Trend -1.1 /Hr.
Time of today's maximum Temperature 12:39 AM
Today's maximum Temperature 69.2
Year of Record High Temp 1967
Record High Temp that Year 95
Year of Record Low Temp 1968
Record Low Temp that Year 48
Current Temp 69.2
Current Humidity 94 %
Heat Index 71.0
Dew Point 67.4
Sunrise 06:10 AM
Sunset 07:23 PM
Time of today's minimum Temperature 12:13 AM
Today's minimum Temperature 65.5
Today's Peak Wind Gust 0 MPH
Time of today's Peak Wind Gust 12:00 AM
Rainfall Since Midnight 0.00 in.
Wind Chill 69.2
Sunrise Tempest PWS
Sunrise Neighborhood - Daily Weather Stats - Davis Station
Sunrise - Davis Personal Weather Station Dashboard
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Grand Lagoon Yacht Club - Weather Underground

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APRS Real-Time Weather Data and Charts - CWOP Station Fairhope GW0643
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